Through our video author training series, you’ll learn how to master Amazon and learn the tips and tricks of best-selling authors.
Marketing your book is one of the most challenging aspects that you will encounter, post-publication. Selling on Amazon allows you to reach hundreds of millions of Amazon customers.
Do you want to learn how to get 20 book reviews during launch week, hit the top 100 list, reach #1 in your category, substantially increase the number of reviews, and ultimately get your books into the hands of readers?
Then this Amazon intensive is for you.
Video training series on:
1) How to put together your marketing plan
2) How to reach out to bloggers and get 20 reviews within the first week of launch on Amazon
3) How to find and get Amazon top reviewers to review your book
4) How to get press for your book
6) Why and how to optimize your Amazon categories and keywords
7) How to find hidden Amazon categories and keywords8) How to hit #1 in your Amazon category for your book by running book sales
9) How to optimize for SEO
Also, included:
1) Email templates
2) Sample marketing plan of an author who successfully got 83 reviews and reached #1 in her category
3) 10 author training videos
You’ll learn the following in 15 easy-to-digest videos:
What are Smart Speakers (Echo, Alexa, Google Home)?
Don’t be one those authors who loses millions due to poor voice search.
You will be able to work along with examples with 15 easy-to-digest voice search instructional videos
Want to take notes as you watch the videos? Why not. Just print out our slides that accompany each video lesson.
With each section there is a homework sheet to help you fill out the content for your own site.
Stuck on a session? Just submit a support ticket and we’ll get to it right away.
We have advanced SEO modules for the more savvy author. We’ll also walk you through how to do a SEO site audit
You’ll get all our templates and checklists with this courses.
If you’ve published a book AND you have a website. You’re ready for this.
Add a special note here
Are questions good for business?
Yes. How’s that for an answer? Wait, that’s another question. Doh.
Super question right here?
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Yep. As long as you are as cool as we think you are, you will make so many friends you’ll be able to start your own Facebook.
Why would I use this?
Well… because it’s the best designed, most experienced driven online course theme available on WordPress!
Who is the coolest cat?
That’s a tough one… is the answer Cat Woman?