Want to help out your fellow author friends using Facebook? Here are some tips on how to do so elegantly in an organized manner without spamming everyone.
1) Make sure that you have a Facebook Author Page or a book page. A good example is Susan Kaye Quinn’s Facebook page for The Debt Collector series.
2) Create a Facebook event and title it “[Name of Your Book] Launch Party”. Be sure to set a time and date.
3) Invite members of the page and fellow authors to participate in your event.
4) When it is time for your launch event, create a Facebook status and create a hashtag to go along with it. An example would be.
“Peeps! We just launched our NYC Dessert Guide and having a ONE DAY sale where the book is for $.99. Also, anyone who likes and share this status gets entered to win a free digital copy! #NYCDessert”
5) Be sure to post the cover, image, etc and tag the relevant folks.
6) That way everyone can share the post. The more people who share the post, the higher it will show up in other folks timelines.
Also, before doing any kind of marketing, I highly recommend you having at least 10 reviews, otherwise promoting a book with 1 or 2 reviews won’t get you very far.