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Book Themed Party Ideas for Literature Lovers

Book readers love books, of course. But there’s something a lot of us love just as much- parties!

And what better way to show your book love appreciation, then to have a book themed party. Below are some great book themed parties that we at Bibliocrunch have collected to show our love for books, especially book themed parties:

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz party- L. Frank Baum
This is a really good idea for a party honoring a really classic book (and movie). Have people come in and dress as all your favorite characters, and make sure your dog is included as Toto! If you’re sympathetic toward Elphaba like me, or a really big fan of alternative perspective books, then make it a Wicked party instead!

Harry Potter party- J. K. Rowling
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This is an obvious classic. Everyone should have one of these, or take part in one, at least once in their life. Get to the party and pull papers out of a hat to get sorted into a Hogwartz House- unless you are already one of the adult Witches and Wizards, of course. Play some Quiddich early in the day, and then once inside play a bunch of board games, and book related HP games to earn points for your house. If you’re the host of the party- in which case I recommend being Dumbledore- create a prize for the house winners. Make some butterbeer to drink with your friends, and make sure everyone gets a magical party favor-or copy of the Quibbler-before they leave.

Hunger Games party- Suzanne Collins
This is another fun one to be sorted into. Though its storyline stems from a very dark topic, it can still be made lighthearted and fun with a good game of dodgeball. First, start with a being sorted into a district, then have an elegant feast at the capital, and finally let the dodgeball game commence. In the end, crown a champion, but make the ending much happier by congratulating your fellow tributes and ending the day with a nice Hunger Games tasty cake.

Lord of the Rings party- J. R. R. Tolkien
Let your imagination really run wild as you create a whole new world. Whether you are an elf, dwarf, hobbit, or wizard all will be accepted. Create some balloon swords, use nerf bow and arrows, and even shoot water guns as you battle your way to the chocolate chip cookie table. A war will be fought over who will have the precious ring. Onion rings, that is.

The Great Gatsby party- F. Scott Fitzgerald 
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If you want a real fancy, old-fashioned party, this is a great classic recommendation. Get some champagne, pearl necklaces, and fedoras and put your vintage party skills to the test. Practice your twenties dancing skills as you play the best jazz from the time. Do some of your best karaoke impressions and make sure to battle it out in your old-fashioned literature knowledge as you light some sparklers out in the backyard (or a park nearby!). Of course don’t forget to leave the green light in front of your house so your guests can find you!

A Christmas Carol party- Charles Dickens
Another old fashioned vintage party, this is a great one for the holiday season. Being your friends over and enjoy some really great ale, while some of your friends act out the famous Dickens’ play. Sing some carols around the fireplace and toast marshmallows as you reveal who your Secret Santa was that year. The party can be altered to address any holiday that you celebrate during that time of year. This is a fun and cozy party that’s great for a giving time of year. This is also a great opportunity to get friends to bring clothes, toys, etc. to give to the needy so that they have some nice gifts for the holidays, too. And don’t be a scrooge! Make sure to bring your chocolate gold coins when you arrive at the door to give to the poor-or to the snack bowl.

Goosebumps party- R.L. Stein
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For Halloween time, this is a great alternative to the classic costume party. A classic 90s book franchise, Goosebumps has scary stories of every variety. Set up your classic Go Eat Worms gummy worm bowl, and make banners in honor of your favorite Goosebumps books. Put green glow sticks in your soda bucket to make that Pepsi give your party guests the chills. In honor of the ‘choose your own adventure’ Goosebumps books, set up the rooms of your house with different scenarios and let your friends pick their choices to see if they can survive. Also-don’t forget to try the famous food recipes in the back of some of the books!

Dr. Seuss Party- Green Eggs and Ham, One Fish Two Fish, Oh the Places You’ll Go
Even though this is more than one book, with Dr. Seuss it seems the most fun to have a variety of his famous classics. This is a great party for any book loving kid. Serve some reen eggs and ham-or make them gummy versions if you want sweets instead. Leave some Swedish fish in a jar for everyone to pick out and eat. Make funky Cat in the Hat themed drinks, and top it all off with an Oh The Places You’ll Go themed cake. This is a great party and with all the counting the reading, it a really educational one too!

Alice and Wonderland party- Lewis Caroll
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As a huge fan of Alice and Wonderland myself, there is so much you can do to honor this book. Get some juice boxes and label them “Drink Me.” Give people choices with the old rivalry of Coke or Pepsi by addressing them “this one makes you taller” and “this one makes you smaller.” Make sure to have crazy clocks drawn all over the house, and if you have lots of rooms in your house or apartment, leave keys around so people can unlock doors to find special prizes. Make the party kooky like it should be, and don’t forget to label your windows and mirror “the looking glass.”

Clue party- A.E. Parker
If you love mystery themed parties, this one is really fun and engaging. Let everyone walk in and pull out a lable, with one person being the murderer and one the detective. Then, let them each select a matchstick to be paired up with another. Label ares of your house or apartment with the usual clue areas and leave the usual weapons around (don’t forget the candlestick!). As people steal them and move things around to mislead others, you’ll all have a lot of fun trying to figure out who the murderer is. Whoever guesses the murderer and detective wins a party prize, unless they are all killed off first, then the murderer wins. Based off of many books in a long ongoing series, this leaves a lot of book themed options for the party.


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