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#Indiechat Recap – How to Optimize Your Keywords and Categories for Amazon

Last night on #indiechat we had Penny Sensavieri of A Marketing Expert give us a tutorial on how to optimize your Amazon keywords and categories to sell books.
Basically, the chat blew our mind. What we discovered during our conversation is that success is defined differently in many ways.
A full recap of our chat. Remember, we’re here every Tuesday, 9pm EST. Just use the hashtag #indiechat.
Tips from Penny Sensavieri
Authors can add up to 7 keywords on Amazon, but think of it as keyword strings. Users don’t search by single words

Your Description:

You can have up to two categories on Amazon. If you can’t add it to the front end you can email the folks at Author Central to manually add them for you.

According to Penny, narrow categories can help you gain visibility and hitting trigger algorithms on Amazon.
We had a lot of folks stop by for #indiechat.

You can download Penny Sensavieri’s guide on Bibliocrunch.


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