So, you’ve written a great book. You’ve gotten a few great reviews. You’ve given away free copies and gotten great feedback. You now want to jumpstart sales and don’t know what to do next.
There are actually a few sites that advertise your books to hundreds of thousands of readers and specifically target Kindle owners.
A lot of indie and self-published authors have used the sites below to drive sales. Before you advertise though, sign up to be a free member so you can a feel for the books that each site promotes. You can check them out and also see the genres they accept. Each site has it’s own pricing and requires specific criteria for submission and have various pricing for each.
Takes a cut
- Will take a 25% cut of book sales
- You must have 10 reviews
- At least 1 4 star rating
- Book should be available on Amazon
Most expensive:
- They are so backed up that they rarely take paid promotions
- If you’re pricing your book at $.99 then you can submit your book here
- Flat fee that ranges based on genre
- Your book must be discounted by at least 50%
- Should be available on major retailer (usually Amazon)
- Mystery is the most popular genre
- You can advertise your book for anywhere from $35 to $40 dollars a day
- Rules for submission are here
- Must have 8 reviews mostly positively
- 4 of those need to be Amazon verified
- $25-50 usuallys
- Pricing is $25-$125
- Have at least five reviews (highly rated)
- Your sale price should be less than $3
- Your book must be discounted by at least 50%
- Cannot have been free within the last 90 days