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Marketing Ideas: Gift Bags

Last month we went to the Romance Writers of America Conference. Did you know that romance readers read about 2.5 book on average per week? We also came across some cute book swag.
Gift bags like these are great ways to promote your book. These go a step beyond the traditional bookmarks and give the reader something more. Here are the examples the team ran into during the conference!
Gift bag 1
Eye-catching bag filled with promotional materials, great idea to get your information out!
Gift bag 2
Personally this bag is my favorite. Why? Because it includes candy, things like candy/gum are great ways to get someone to pick up your gift bag (even more so with events with long lines and panels where people have not been able to stop for food!)
Gift bag 3
This bag is a little more simplistic but I love how they tied in the title of the book with the candle offered in the bag.

Don’t forget to check out #indiechat on twitter Tuesday 12/18 at 9pm EST for a chat about holiday marketing!


Kate Tilton is the marketing associate for BiblioCrunch, an author assistant, and a book blogger.
Kate is also a proud host of #indiechat, Tuesdays at 9pm EST.

You can connect with her on her websiteTwitter, or BiblioCrunch.


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