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Publishing News Roundup Series: Simon & Schuster In Trouble for Controversial Book

After promising to improve their inclusion and diversity initiatives, Simon & Schuster gets in trouble for representing another controversial text


Beneath The Covers


This week in the publishing world,

Simon & Schuster are back in the news again- for all the wrong reasons. In a case of not knowing what their left hand is doing- their distribution arm picked up a controversial book – this week of all weeks. This also begs the question, What was the publisher thinking when offering a book deal to someone involved in a heinous crime that hasn’t gone to court? Is it news? Is it privilege? Is it balanced? It’s not justice for the victim!


While everyone is talking about Amazon moving into serial publishing… Wattpad, the first serial publisher is heading to the movies. Publish the story – find the best – make a movie. Is this what Amazon wants to copy with Vella? Crowdsourcing movie ideas?


This week, Mark Williams commented on Mike Shatzkin’s article about half the NY Times list being Print on Demand Books. Have the publishers turned a corner because of Covid 19?


Jane Friedman has two excellent posts on her blog. Everything you want to know about Hybrid publishing, a comprehensive rundown of this style of publisher. And how the pandemic has affected book publishing. Will 2021 be better? 


Kris Rusch celebrates 12 years of her business musings blog this week. She started it to make sense of the publishing world and we have all benefitted from it. She is an inspiration, mentor, and teacher to so many people in the business.


Kevin Tumlinson of Draft2Digital has an interesting blog post today on imposter syndrome. How do you know you are a real author? What are your benchmarks for this? Kevin offers some ways to think about what you are really asking yourself. 


Have you got a writing routine? Kristen Kieffer has an interesting post on the strong foundations you need to build a good writing routine. First, start with self-trust. 


In The Craft Section,

How David Lynch writes a script- take 70 cards.- Scott Myers


How to nail the first 3 pages– Lisa Cron- Bookmark


Writing prompt ideas- Now Novel


Write a story backward for climactic results– Save The Cat- Bookmark


Naming fictional characters– Anne R Allen- Bookmark


The negative Queen archetype– K M Weiland – Bookmark


In The Marketing Section,

Do you need to copyright your manuscript– Anne R Allen


Book promotion ideas for May- Sandra Beckwith- Bookmark


Marketing a children’s book– Penny Sansevieri- Bookmark


DIY graphics and fonts Pam Hillman- Bookmark


How to make an editorial calendar- templates- Norm Brekke- Bookmark


Should you start a podcast? Liz Barret Foster


To Finish,

This writing game can take a lot out of you. Recently I had the day to myself. Right, I thought, I’ll get some writing done. That little comment to myself seemed to sabotage the whole process. I had an attack of the Writer Shiny Object Syndrome.

In the end, I listened to MY music up loud and folded washing. Wonderfully energizing and I got some good ideas out of it too!

Scott Myers has a great article on writing and playlists for creative inspiration.







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