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3 Quotes from Julia Cameron that Inspire

Recently, while reading Julia Cameron I came across several quotations by her that just begged to be passed along. You can apply them to writing. Or really any creative endeavor.
Julia Cameron’s The Right to Write was the first book I read that gave me the permission that I thought I needed to write. She’s been a hero of mine ever since. And she’s got some amazing nuggets of wisdom to share with us.
For instance, this one.
“Don’t wait for time – grab it….Time must be stolen like a quick kiss by lovers on the run.”
Love this. It’s not like your book will write itself. Or that your life will part like the Red Sea and open up caverns of time to allow you to write your masterpiece. You have to carve it out. Steal it. Take it.
And this one…
“We have time to write the minute we are willing to write badly, to chase a dead end, to scribble a few words, to write for the hell of it instead of for the perfect and polished result.”
So many of us wait for the perfect idea to strike us or to have a complete understanding of what we are trying to say…before we start. But often, the ideas gel as we write them. Begin the work and the rest will happen. Ideas really do have a life of their own. Hold on tight and see where they take you.
And maybe my favorite (at least for today)…
“Writing ‘rights’ things.”
Brilliant, Julia. If you are a writer who isn’t writing, probably your boat is tilting in the water. I think technical boat-type people call that listing. Don’t let your life list. Ha!
Good luck to you as you make time to write. As Julia suggests, “Be aggressive. Steal it.”
So go forth and write. Find the moments, latch on to the glimmers of ideas, fix yourself! Writing for the win!
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