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Authors Beware – Tips on Making Sure You Don't Get Scammed

It happens all too frequently that I come across an author who has been  scammed by a vanity press or by a vendor that provides some type of author services.
One author spent $10,000 on a print run for a poorly edited and designed book without a distribution deal.  Another author I know spent nearly $40,000 on poor editing services until she found the right one.
Don’t make these mistakes and educate yourself. Google is a powerful tool.
Here are some ways to avoid getting scammed as an author.
1) Google is your best friend. Make sure to always to Google the name of the company with the search term Bad Reviews. For example, a possible search term would be “Miral Sattar Bad Reviews.”
2) Look up the company on Better Business Beaurea.
3) See how others have rated and reviewed the vendor or company in question. (My company BiblioCrunch allows you to do that)
4) Read author watch blogs like Writer Beware  and Preditors and Editors.  Both maintain a list of sites that scam authors.
5) Always check and ask for references.
By using our tips above you’ll save money and pick the right vendor to help you and save you a lot of headache down the line.


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