Make sure you’re part of the voice search revolution
01Introduction – The Voice Search Revolution
Why all authors should be leveraging Amazon Echo (Alexa) and Google Home and other smart speakers to sell books
02What are Smart Speakers?
Amazon Echo and Google Home are smart speakers that are launching the voice search revolution.
03Why are Smart Speakers Important for Authors
Alexa, Siri, and voice assistants are the gateway to purchasing products and books. So be prepared.
04Current Adoption and Growth for Smart Speakers
What does the current market look like for Amazon Echo devices? Google Home? Apple HomePod?
05Different Ways to Listen to Books
The many ways that users can listen to books, and how authors can reach them
06What is Voice Search + Voice Search SEO
How can we leverage voice search and voice search SEO to sell products
08How to SEO Optimize Content for Voice Search
Actionable tips to make sure your content is optimized for the voice search revolution
09How to Make Your Content Available to Smart Speakers
How to make sure that listeners can find you and your audiobooks by speaking simple commands
10Optimization Excercises to Make Your Book Available to Smart Speakers
An overview of how to make sure you, your book, and your products are available in smart speakers like Amazon Echo (Alexa), Google Home, Siri
11Amazon Optimization
Amazon is the most popular book retailer, so it's important to know how to optimize your book for sales on this platform
12Selling Your Products on Amazon
How to sell other products on Amazon and how to display the Amazon's Choice button
13Conclusion & Homework Sheets
How to make sure you go through the voice search SEO checklist
14Implementation Exercises to Make Your Book Available to Smart Speakers
Implement your learnings and optimize for voice search with our step by step lessons