We’re so excited to FINALLY roll out our new site, announce new partners, and showcase our new marketing tools.
We’ve also got a shiny new logo and a new look and feel.
Bibliocrunch has had an amazing year. We are the leading resource for authors and publishers to find trusted, vetted book publishing professionals. To start out the year right, we are releasing new features on Bibliocrunch.
We’ve added a whole slew of features to help authors publish, market and promote their books:
– Posting projects and submitting proposals is now a streamlined process in our new project management system.
-A VIP Resources section to reflect author demand for expanded resources that include free e-books, templates (marketing plans, contracts, budget), and courses we’ve taught.
-New Vetted Partners directory which is our list of trusted partners who we are working with closely to improve the publishing experience.
-Greater reach with SEO optimized pages (basically it helps make you and your books more visible to Google).
-Suite of marketing tools that allow authors to grow their fan bases with giveaways
–Bookshelf features that allow you to add your book details and connect them to the various online retailers.
We haven’t even gotten to the best part. To mark the end of 2014 and to celebrate our launch we have prizes and giveaways from industry partners that total over $5000. We’ll be opening up new contests every week to celebrate the holidays over the next month.
Just click on our contests page to see how you can enter.
- Blurb books is giving away a self pub package for print and ebooks.
- Bowker is giving away a packet of 10 ISBNs
- BookBaby is giving away publishing packages.
- Book Design Templates is giving away $100 in templates.
- 30 minute Skype consultation with Draft2Digital
- Jane Friedman is giving away a year subscription to Scratch Magazine.
- Pubslush is giving away marketing packages.
- Indiereader is giving away free ebooks and a review!
- The Alliance of Independent Authors is giving away one comp membership to their self-publishing organization
- Bublish, FlightDeck, and Where Writers Win are giving away complimentary memberships.
- Editorial services (ranging from editing, e-book formatting, cover design, and marketing packages) are being given away from Wise Ink Creative Publishing, Novel Ninjitsu, Ayers Edits, Jenn Vancil, Kate Tilton, The Cover Counts, and more.
We also have fab book giveaways from Hugh Howey, Lara Nance, Susan Kaye Quinn, David Gaughran, Cindy Hogan, Penny Sansevieri, Lara Nance, Laura Ashbott, and S.R. Johannes.
Give our new site a whirl. Let us know what you think. We’ll be adding new contests every week, so check back to see who’s giving away new stuff for our launch party.
However, we do need you to create a new password to access the new site. So, if you already have an account you can just reset your password. Your old projects will still be available at archive.bibliocrunch.com.
Keep Calm and Write On,
Miral Sattar
CEO, Bibliocrunch
About Bibliocrunch:
Bibliocrunch connects authors and publishers with an exclusive community of curated professionals, who have worked for some of the largest publishing houses, including Simon & Schuster, Penguin, Random House, and HarperCollins. Bibliocrunch is for everyone who wants to publish a book. Whether you are a first time indie author or an established author you will, at some point, need to hire an outside professional to get your book into the marketplace.
Any publishing professional can sign up to be part of the Bibliocrunch community, but to appear in our trusted partner and professionals directory, the editor, designer, or publicist must go through a vetting process. Why? Because we believe in the quality of good books, and to create quality books, you need experienced professionals.
As a member of the Bibliocrunch community, you can build just the right publishing team and produce books that meet the highest standards. But if putting together a diverse team of publishing professionals seems daunting, Bibliocrunch can help with our VIP Service Membership. We personally guide you through the book-publishing process and assist you in selecting and working with the right editors, designers, publicists, and other professionals for your project needs.