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How Authors Can Move Forward in the Face of Amazon's Latest Review Policy

Indie authors everywhere give away books in exchange for an honest review. Whether it’s book bloggers, beta readers, ARC readers, or just friends and family.
Amazon, the US e-commerce and cloud computing giant is said to hire 1,000 people in Poland. The company already hires almost 5,000 people in Poland and has service centers in Gdansk, Wroclaw and Poznan ON 14 April 2016. (Photo by Jaap Arriens/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
The ask usually goes something like this. Will you write an honest review for my book in exchange for a free copy?
That is one of the main ways authors get reviews, especially unestablished authors without a huge fan base.
But now Amazon is cracking down on that. They will no longer allow incentivized reviews. Did you see the latest announcement? Are you freaking out? Wondering how you will get reviews now?
The team at Bibliocrunch and Learn Self-Publishing Fast has you covered. Learn How to Avoid the Horror of Zero Book Reviews in next week’s webinar. Wednesday, October 12th at 12pm EST.
Marketing and obtaining reviews is a critical piece of bringing your book to the masses. And you can work around Amazon’s seemingly ever-changing policies. It just takes a little imagination and some guidance from folks who know what they are about. Miral has been sharing her tactics for getting reviews with hundreds of authors and she can help you also.
Don’t wait. Sign up today and learn how to get reviews for your book!
Happy Writing!


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