Giveaways are a great way for authors to build their brands and promote their books. Below we outline how authors can setup a giveaway on Bibliocrunch to maximize book exposure.
With Bibliocrunch giveaways authors can:
- Promote their books
- Build author presence
- Give readers incentives to spread the word about a book through social media
- Increase social media buzz
- Drive traffic to your site or blog
To launch a book giveaway:
1) Create a free account on
- Be sure to fill out your SEO-optimized profile information
- Add your book details if you have any so you can associate the giveaway with your book
2) Navigate over to your profile page to the Contests tab and click ‘+New Contest’
3) Fill in the details of your giveaway
- The title of your giveaway
- If you’ve added a book, the book will show up in the ‘Select Your Book’ area. Otherwise, you can add an image
- The prize you are giving away (signed copy of a print book, an ebook, Amazon gift card, etc)
- The rules or actions you want people to do to enter your giveaway (Like your FB page, follow you on Twitter, Tweet about your book, join your mailing list, etc)
4) Make sure to enter the Terms of your giveaway, and set the start and end time for your giveaway
5) You can then grab the embed code and place it on your blog or website and start promoting it like we’ve done below for The Rose Hotel
Go ahead, give it a whirl. Let us know what you think!