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What is a Kindle Countdown Deal?

There are so many tools available to authors to promote their books, sometimes it’s hard to weave through all them without losing your mind.
So we invited Mercy Pilkington of Author Options to share her knowledge about which Amazon tools work really well for ebooks. Mercy joined us for an evening of wine and cheese and shared some details about the popular Kindle Countdown deals.
So what exactly is a Kindle Countdown deal?

  • A Kindle Countdown deal advertises your book at a lower cost along with a countdown clock, informing consumers how long they have left to get it at the lower price.

What are the rules for a Kindle Countdown deal?

  • Your book must be enrolled in KDP Select. Which basically means your book is exclusive to Amazon for 90 days.

What do you get in a Kindle Countdown deal? 

  • Enrolling in your book for a Kindle Countdown deal includes your book on the Countdown deal sites, which a number of other sites link to daily, such as
  • The main countdown deal site is here

Do I still get my full royalties? 

  • Yep! Authors retail their full royalty, even while the book is below $2.99.

Where do the Kindle Countdown deals run?

  • Right now only on Amazon US and Amazon UK

Some pictures from the event below!photo-2
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