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Merchandising with Publishing

Publishers Lunch Job Board

Merchandising for publishing is the ultimate marketing step for book branding.

Marketing is important for authors. It is the key to building one’s readership. Merchandising your work is a way to keep your work in the memories of readers for years to come.


Rich Writers ( and their bot slaves)


In the publishing blogosphere, it has been a week of big ideas. 
I have been mulling over the article from Kris Rusch, in last weeks blog, about the licensing expo and the implications for writers. If you haven’t read it… Please do. It gives a whole ‘nother perspective on the writing business. Then read Part Two which came out today. Imagine a merchandising line based around your characters. What would it take to set up… 
This is writing as a business with its big boots on. 

Meanwhile over in the UK Joanna Penn is rattling my brain with her mega podcast episode on 9 ways AI will disrupt publishing- (it’s happening now.)
I am always interested in the future. I’m absolutely jealous of the kids just born as they will be setting foot on other planets. I have been interested in AI for a while but strangely have never thought of the implications for publishing. My teen heard part of this podcast and she was disturbed. (Her word.) The potentials for good and bad are very stark. Joanna transcribes her podcasts but if you can, listen, because she adds in extras, not in the transcription. Prepare to have your mind blown. (and not in a bad way…)

Findaway Voices – rival audio distributor to Audible has announced a new royalty rate from Google Play. And it’s bigger than before. Is this the first salvo in dragging content off other sites?

We love libraries… wonderful portals to exciting worlds… Jane Friedman has an interesting article on how libraries increase book discoverability but you need to know how to get their attention.

Rachel Thompson has a great article on author networking. Here are five ways to conquer your self-doubt and reach out to others who are just like you.

Have you ever thought about writing to market? Do you think it is a bit mercenary? Do you only write what the muse tells you to write? Jeff Elkins has an interesting post on reframing this writing to market as writing what readers want to read. Of course, then you have the problem how do you find that out? Luckily Jeff shares some ideas.

Every few months there is an article about the death of the novel. The sky is falling- book sales go down, claim the newspapers. The Guardian recently tried to spin this but at the same time they had to say that there were no big blockbusters published this year so maybe that was why the publishers reported a fall. 

In The Craft Section,

The psychology of a layered story- Tamar Sloan- Bookmark

Two fabulous must-read posts from Jami Gold – Does every scene need a goal and Character goals 
Can there be too many?

Gaslighting and writing villains– Carla Hoch- Bookmark

Writing Rogue characters– Ruth Harris – Bookmark

In the Marketing Section,

9 Query mistakes for instant rejection– Writers Relief

Tips for Author interviews – Ingram Spark

Is your website protected- and Are You?- Judith Briles – Bookmark

Top 10 FAQs about book publicity – Joan Stewart- Bookmark

2 Great posts from Penny Sansevieri- How to realign your book marketing strategies and Goodreads giveaways, a solid marketing strategy

To Finish,

Recently I saw a discussion on the reactions that people mostly have when they find out you are a writer. It was funny and tragic at the same time. 
Have I read anything you’ve written? 
You must be rich like J K Rowling
Do you write stuff like 50 shades … (cue inappropriate joke) 
I want to write a book. I’ll give you the idea and we’ll split the profits…
And don’t get me started on the stupid things people say when they find out you write for children. 
Ashleigh Young wrote an article addressing this common writer pitfall. What to say when someone asks how you make your living as a writer. 

What do you say? How will you be making your living in the future?


Pic: Flickr Creative Commons – Barbie Fantasies


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