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Publishing News Roundup Series: Amazon Acquires MGM

As publishers continue to acquire and merge, authors and others question what will happen to the industry.

Acquisitions have become more and more of a commonality in the publishing world. As big houses continue to merge and the publishing world get smaller and smaller, authors and publishing professionals alike continue to question their own fates. And most importantly, what will happen to the little guys?

Selling Your Wares


This week in publishing,

Last week’s hot news of Storytel partnering with Spotify has been rippling through the publishing community. It’s been a rollercoaster lately with publishers buying publishers and audio publishing subscription services getting bigger. This week Amazon laid down $8 Billion and bought MGM. Not everyone in the entertainment business is pleased about this. Mark Williams looks at the IP treasure trove that Amazon has just acquired.

Meanwhile, Amazon inks its first library deal.


Jane Friedman wrote a salutary article How Much Do Authors Earn which has us all wincing but agreeing. Many authors earn more from side hustles than from straight writing. But all is not lost says Jane.


Being an Author is all about…Networking. Did your soul just shrivel a little when you read that? The Alliance of Independent Authors has a comprehensive post on the art of networking for authors. How and why it is important and full of great tips. If you are really struggling as an introverted author for marketing advice check out this week’s 6 figure author podcast especially on marketing for introverts.


Today is the last day to pick up the Storybundle of writing business books. Don’t miss out.


SEO Sherpa recently contacted me to let me know of a comprehensive post on metadata that they have prepared. Before you scroll past- Stop. Do you have a website? Do you want your website to show up in searches? Do you know that a few simple tweaks of your description metadata will boost your website in a google search? If you know all the tricks scroll past- if not, take a look.


Kris Rusch is continuing her interesting blog series on fear based decision making. She is making some strong points in this series about how this affects what projects get greenlit. If you know how to frame a project so it sounds familiar, you have a much better chance of getting it picked up.


Jordan at Now Novel has a comprehensive post on how to write critiques and evaluations. This is something that every author should have in their toolbox of tricks- you never know when you will be asked to give critical feedback. (Like today’s request from my nephew…)


In The Craft Section,

How to submit to Literary Journals– Meredith Allard


5 ways to write realistic dialogue– Courtney Walsh


Balancing your cast of characters– September Fawkes- Bookmark


Organising research and notes in Scrivener – Gwen Hernandez


Setting as character– Jami Gold – Bookmark


What to include in your first draft– J D Edwin- Bookmark


In The Marketing Section,

Planning a Book Launch- Bookbaby- Bookmark!


How to write a query letter– Nathan Bransford


Are you ready for book marketing? -Frances Caballo


Help others, help yourself– Penny Sansevieri- Bookmark


Unique Marketing ideas for June– Penny Sansevieri- Bookmark


To Finish,

Writers Digest has been in the business of writing inspiring articles for writers for many decades. Recently they asked a bunch of authors, what is the one piece of advice you would give to writers. Here is a comprehensive collection of advice with links to interviews. Go forth and be inspired. 







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