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Publishing News Roundup Series: Authors to Earn Royalties on Secondhand Books

A few small publishers attempt to get secondhand royalties for authors.

Authors rely on royalties as their income between writing books. Without it, they would be unable to continue in their careers. With the addition of secondhand royalties, authors will have better support while writing which means better books for readers.

Playing Catch Up


Pic: Flickr Creative Commons – Steven Pisano


In interesting news for writers from The Guardian, a couple of second-hand book merchants have been working on a scheme where writers can get a small payment if their books get on sold. Hopefully, the idea gains traction and goes worldwide. 


Mike Williams of The New Publishing Standard takes a look at the German acquisition of Print On Demand business Bok2. Lessons learned from the pandemic – The Backlist keeps your publishing business afloat and this means Print On Demand is important. 


When you read Kris Rusch’s latest post on fear in publishing and how, even with credible data on backlist, it’s hard to believe that publishers are still hoping a magic reset button will be pushed and everything will go back to the way it was before. The pandemic is changing entertainment. Now it is all about subscription– How many subscription services do you pay for? 


Diana Urban of Bookbub has just published the key Marketing and Sales takeaways from the virtual U S Book show hosted last week by Publishers Weekly. It’s all about the power of the backlist. – There’s gold in there and some savvy publishers are now putting dedicated teams on to mining it. 


Writer’s Digest has an excerpt from a new book, Book Wars by John Thompson, on 3 crucial changes that have impacted the book industry. John sees a publisher move to a reader-centric model as being the next big change in publishing-but have the publishers left it too late? 


Publishing Perspectives has an interesting article on how the Arab world is changing its book buying. Most books are sold in big book fairs but with the pandemic Arab booksellers have had to develop online stores.


Dave Chesson has been working hard on an interesting and comprehensive article on How To Format A Book. It is chock full of information (A mini book’s worth!) This is the go-to article for anyone who wants a little bit more information before dipping their toe in. Dave’s site is full of other great resources so take some time to check it out.


Briefing a beta reader– Brenda Pollard has an interesting blog post on how to educate your beta readers to get the most out of them. Beta readers are the readers who get the book before it’s published when you still have time to fix any errors.


In The Craft Section,

A beginners guide to structure– writing cooperative


Archetypes- The King Arc– KM Weiland – Bookmark


When to break the rules – Karel Segers


Rewriting your novel – Linda Clare- Bookmark


Tips on writing the boring stuff- Jenna Harte-Bookmark


In The Marketing Section

Ten ways for authors to waste money– Nate Hoffelder


The ultimate guide to selling children’s books- Karen Inglis – Bookmark


What is a soft book launch- Sandra Beckwith – Bookmark


Book marketing– 14 tips- Bewrit


5 types of video for social media marketing-Joe Forte


100 Facebook promotion groups for writers – Kathy Steinemann- Bookmark


To Finish,

Sandra Beckwith has reviewed Ricardo Fayet’s book – How to market a book. Ricardo is one of the founders of Reedsy and has had a ringside seat to the changes in the book industry over the last five years. Reedsy has a lot of free courses and resources and this book is Free as well. 








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