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Publishing News Roundup Series: The Justice System Steps in to Block Penguin’s S&S Acquisition

The justice system steps in to note what they cite as too much publishing control.

If the S&S acquisition by Penguin were to go through, publishing would be ever closer to a monopoly in the U.S. Not having freedom in publishing ruins the entire beauty of the art form.

Early Presents

This week in publishing news,


Publishers Weekly broke the news that The Department of Justice is suing to block Penguin Random House from Buying Simon and Schuster citing it would “enable Penguin Random House, which is already the largest book publisher in the world, to exert outsized influence over which books are published in the United States and how much authors are paid for their work.”


As the news broke around the Publishing blogosphere there were some candid comments about not wanting to be a Simon and Schuster author if the sale went through. 


Kobo have increased their digital subscription model Kobo+. Australia and New Zealand now get the chance to try the subscription model of digital reading. Mark Williams reports in The New Publishing Standard. 


While Kobo is expanding its English language digital subscription Audible have made the big leap to India. This market promises much but what about the authors providing the books in the subscription model. India sells books very very cheaply. Volume might be the only way to earn any money. And don’t forget Audiblegate. Will Audible throw authors under the bus to get Indian Ears?


The Bookseller reports on a sobering piece of research on disability access and publishing. It is already hard enough to find disabled characters in stories but in the publishing houses it is even harder to find them in the offices of publishing houses.


The Alliance of Independent authors has a comprehensive explanation of NFT’s for authors. This is a digital offering that is suited to authors who can bundle a limited edition together. And every time it gets on sold the author can make a little money. If you aren’t sure whether NFT’s are legit check out the article. 


Even while the world struggles with a pandemic- Big Bad Wolf will always be there to sell books in their 24 hour, ten day Asian book fairs. Millions of remaindered English language books get snapped up by buyers. This year they are partnering with Shopify. The mind boggles at the sheer size of putting together a digital storefront to sell millions of books in a short space of time.


Susan DeFreitas has a great guest article on Jane Friedman’s blog this week. Maybe it’s not your plot. Susan takes a look at common plot problems and how they come back to your character arc. Once you’ve got that sorted the plot problems fix themselves. 


In the Craft Section,

3 steps to building a story world– Janice Hardy


The secret to writing authentic villains– Kyla Bagnall- Bookmark


A premise isn’t a plot– Janice Hardy Bookmark


2 Bookmark articles, Finding Time to Write and Take the stress out of writing– Michelle Millar


In The Marketing Section,

Can introverted writers market their books– Rachel Thompson – Bookmark


How to secure endorsements– Penny Sansevieri- Bookmark


Bookbub ads for design inspiration– Bookbub


How to create a reader profile- Alicia Dale- Bookmark


7 questions to ask before writing a sell sheet– Joseph Kunz- Bookmark


To Finish,

Every year I’m sure that Christmas decorations go up earlier and earlier. This year because of supply chain issues around the world the word is out to get your Christmas buying in early. Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi has gathered together the best books to gift writers for Christmas – Order Now!  While you are in a book buying mood don’t forget to grab the Storybundle Nano collection. A swag of great craft books and the authors get the money. A Christmas present for everyone.






Pic: Flickr Creative Commons – Marco Verch



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