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Famous Writers and their Surprising Day Jobs

As writers, we are all used to supplementing our writing gig with “day jobs”. Maybe you sling coffee at Starbucks, maybe you are a fraud analyst at a bank. Are you a janitor, salesman, or apothecary’s assistant by day and a die hard writer by night? If so, you are in good company!
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Check out this fun infographic from the folks over at The Expert Editor and see the many, possibly unlikely, day jobs that supported the art and craft of 20 famous writers including Stephen King, Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle, Ann Rice, and Margaret Atwood. And remember, if Doyle can be a surgeon and still write in his “spare” time, you can surely carve (pun intended!) out some free time time to write that story that just won’t let you be!
Courtesy of: The Expert Editor
Feeling motivated now that you know what other writers had to do in order to keep food on the table and lights on? Go forth and write “like the wind” as so many beg George RR Martin!
Happy Writing!
Attention Authors: Are you wondering how your name can be on the first page of a Google search so your website can be found and you can sell more books? Readers can’t buy your book if they don’t know you (or the book!) exists. Bibliocrunch has a FREE webinar coming up July 19th, 4pm EST that will help you learn how to maximize your efforts with SEO. You’ve worked tirelessly to publish your book, now learn how to show it off in the top Google search results!


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