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How to Build Catchy Titles for Your Book

Never judge a book by its cover or so the saying goes.  But that isn’t necessarily true, is it?  First impressions are lasting impressions and we make snap judgments incessantly – the second we meet someone or step in a home or even check out a new car in the lot.  The same holds true when we first glance at a book, which is why a clever title is so vital.
The objective of a title is two-fold:
1)    Pique the reader’s curiosity, enticing him or her to purchase/read
2)    Capture the essence of the written work for an accurate depiction that won’t disappoint
Of course, with the birth of electronics, the title now has an additional purpose – an attention-grabbing book title, ebook title, header or headline can be easily shared on social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter etc.) to drive web traffic.  In addition, it can increase SERP (Search Engine Results Page)on the likes of Google, for example.  With the right keywords, people are more likely to click on your title and increase your SERP ranking.  The higher the SERP ranking, the more likely other people will see your title and around and around we go.
Bottom Line
The title is supposed to stimulate interest and there are many theories on how to do so.  Some feel it is best to keep it simple.  Shorter titles are easier to remember.  In contrast, others think a lengthy title/subtitle combo can add a layer of perceived intellect.  Then there are those who believe the look is just as important as the words themselves, so you should focus on font type, color, and size as well as the vocabulary itself.
As usual, the advice is conflicting and contradictory; although I think all would agree on one constant – your title should be unique.  It should stand out and intrigue while reflecting the storyline.
If you find yourself stumped, try this exercise: explain the book to a friend.  Sometimes when you talk it out, you’ll notice a reoccurring adjective, verb, noun or theme.  Something will excite you and you’ll have that ah-ha moment that makes it possible for you to write on…
This post was originally featured at the Widbook blog and written by Mary Ann Lombardo. Widbook is a global community for people who love to share stories. Writers can publish their work in an ebook format and readers meet content and everyone get connected!


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