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#Indiechat – How Authors Can Leverage Pinterest

We’re excited to have Jay Artale as our guest on Tuesday’s #IndieChat on 6/9/15.

Project manager and content marketer Jay Artale, @jayartale, will be joining us on #IndieChat to talk about how authors can leverage Pinterest.

Every week we host #IndieChat on Twitter and invite industry experts and authors to discuss and share tips on the indie and publishing landscape. #Indiechat is held every Tuesday at 4pm EST. You can check out our previous chat logs on BiblioCrunch Storify.
Need instructions on how to join? Here’s how.
@MiralSattar from the  Bibliocrunch team will be hosting from the BiblioCrunch Twitter account (@Bibliocrunch)
About Jay Artale:

Jay Artale is a project manager specialising in content marketing and social media management. She combines seventeen years of strategic planning and corporate project management experience with creative writing, to deliver actionable brand-profile solutions to entrepreneurs with a vision. She has written and self-published two travel guides and is working on her first non-fiction book “Pinterest for Authors”. Her social networks of choice are Twitter and Pinterest.


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