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Publishing News Roundup Series: Amazon Acquired MGM

Another company giant grows. Is this good or bad?

Much to the same concern regarding Penguin Random House and Simon & Schuster, Amazon has acquired MGM. What will this do for streaming services? Will they be “stream”lined?

Climbing To The Top



In Publishing News this week,


Amazon’s acquisition of MGM has been completed. Expect to see all those old classics turning up on Amazon Prime…. But it’s not just about the old classics it’s a consolidation of entertainment into streaming services. Choose your streaming hero. (Bond or Ironman)


The Society of Authors (UK) have launched a new campaign. Pay The Creator. They are highlighting the insidious tactic of firms asking for content then telling the creator to be happy with the exposure instead of the money. Try that on with your plumber. 


Another week another Brandon Sanderson comment this time from the man himself. He has also been surprised at how well he has done with his Kickstarter ($31 million and another week to go.) He wanted to prove some points to his publisher about bundling. It’s an interesting read and savvy authors will be taking notes for their own marketing ideas.


Kris Rusch has been taking an entertainment law class and she is fascinated with copyright. This post is a must read. If you think you know about copyright clauses you should still read this. If you think it is all too hard… just ask yourself, are you happy to be ripped off? 


Writer Beware has a new home– They are still run by Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America but now have a spiffy new website. Of course the old scams are still happening, this time with fancy new apps looking for content.


Joanna Penn has a fascinating interview with Elle Griffin on serial fiction, Substack newsletter being the new Patreon, and NFT’s. Elle has her finger in all of it and it is a glimpse of the future. For instance, take a character you create, licence them as an NFT for fan fiction….


Colleen Story has a great article on why writing success remains elusive to many writers, it’s not that you aren’t passionate enough…


Richard Thomas has an article on Litreactor about short term goals… Are you setting short term writing goals for your career? 


If you haven’t been writing under a rock you will have heard of the Hero’s Journey. Stefan Edmunds, guest posting on Anne R Allen’s blog, talks about The Adversity Cycle. This is a deep dive into adversity, the origins of story, and writing structure and offers a whole ‘nother way of looking at story. 


In the craft section,

Opening with a characteristic moment– K M Weiland-Bookmark


6 classic story structures- Writerswrite


Weaving flashbacks seamlessly- Tiffany Martin – Bookmark


2 great posts from Becca Puglisi-  Fear; relational commitment and Choosing the right job for your character– Bookmark Both


In the marketing section,

8 questions to know your audience better– Barb Roose- Bookmark


Manage your expectations– Sandra Beckwith- Bookmark


Revamp your old titles- Penny Sansevieri


10 ways to build your audience– Stephanie Chandler- Bookmark


Writers are not your competition– Angela Ackerman


To finish,

Recently Katie Weiland updated an old article of hers – How to know when you’re a successful author. Katie drilled down into the meanings of success it comes down to who do you write for and why. So how do we answer these questions and not angst over the answers?

What is your definition of success? 





Pic: Photo by Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash 


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