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Publishing News Roundup Series: The Frankfurt Bookfair and AI Art

How will AI change the face of publishing?

The Rise Of The Machines

We have been hearing about AI writing, but now there is also AI art. How will these changes affect the industry? What do illustrators have to say about all of this?

In Publishing News this week…

Frankfurt Bookfair opened this week with an almost return to normal programming.

The opening press conference had comments from the Fair director about the challenging times we live in and how important it is to keep the lights on in publishing houses. With the war in Ukraine stepping up, the price of heating is going through the roof in Europe. It is going to be a tough Winter.


A reminder that SelfPubCon is on soon. A free 24 conference focused on writing and marketing from The Alliance of Independent Authors. 


Just what is going on around returns and unlimited subscriptions? It’s a constantly changing landscape. European companies like Storytel are experimenting with tiered access. Amazon is not… or are they. Mark Williams takes a look at what model will come out on top. (If you are a children’s writer thinking about audio this may help.) 


Recently Joanna Penn interviewed Derek Murphy about his experiments with AI-generated art. They talk about the wide-ranging nature of the AI’s and how they learn to produce the picture you want from your prompts. This has been contentious as the AI’s can reproduce pictures in particular artists’ styles. This is causing disquiet among artists as reported in Business Insider. Will they be able to opt out? With Microsoft ready to roll out Dall-E to everyone this space is rapidly changing.


Kris Rusch explains the idea behind her 39 days 39 stories Christmas advent calendar. This is when you get to be wildly creative as a writer because you can and you bring your fans along for the ride. 


Writer Unboxed has another in their series of marketing posts from Anne Marie Nieves- Do You Twerk? This is an interesting post on how much social media is really authentic you or your online persona. As ever, I recommend reading the comments as well.


The Insecure Writers Support Group has been around for a while and aside from the great name they have a thriving community. Recently they launched another anthology and posted about ways to market the books.


Anne R Allen has a great post on tropes and archetypes vs clichés. If you constantly get these mixed up this is the post for you. Anne breaks down the main genre tropes.

in the craft section 

Transitions- building bridges between your plot islands– P J Parrish- Bookmark


Creating Names– Janice Hardy


How to write a chapter– Now Novel- Comprehensive


 2 posts from Angela Ackerman –Brainstorming the hero and

How to use GMC (Goal Motivation Conflict) to test a story idea – Bookmark Both

in the marketing section


Why isn’t my title selling- quiz-Penny Sansevieri


5 reasons to be a speaking author- Sandra Beckwith


Back Cover Copy formula– Sue Coletta- Bookmark


Book signings that wow– Becca Puglisi


Cover design what works in 2022– Alliance of Independent Authors- Bookmark

to finish,

It’s not long until November and the challenge of NaNoWriMo. Reedsy has put together a great prep document to get your creative teeth into. Don’t forget to check out the NaNoWriMo deals and the super Storybundle of craft resources. 






Pic: Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash




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